Comprehensive Course on Internal Control, Compliance and Risk Management

Date Format Fees  
25 Mar - 28 Mar, 2024 Classroom ₦270,000 Register
24 Sep - 27 Sep, 2024 Classroom ₦270,000 Register
25 Mar - 28 Mar, 2024 Classroom ₦270,000 Register

Event Details

This Comprehensive Course on Internal Control, Compliance and Risk Management program provides participants the opportunity to: 

  • Gain a positive, firm an broad-based understanding of internal control models
  • Analyze and evaluate existing or planned control systems and enterprise-wide risk management
  • Design cost-effective control systems to minimize risks for business processes
  • Identify business objectives, risks and controls needed to mitigate risk
  • Learn and apply the most useful internal control, compliance and risk categories and tools
  • Obtain a basic of the who, why and how of fraud as well as the role of business controls in preventing and detecting fraud, Designed for all levels of Internal Control and Audit staff, Compliance Officers, Enterprise Risk Managers.


  • Continues review of compliance and internal issues
  • Identifying the loopholes in internal controls and compliance issues
  • Utilising concerned departments to formulate and amend shortcomings in internal controls and compliance issues
  • Incorporating direct spotlight in the review of internal controls/compliance
  • The concept of analytical review to throw  up lapses in internal controls
  • Identifying and arresting the intention of potential fraudsters in the organization
  • Get an overview of the Risk Management Process
  • Learn to identify risks that affect project quality, time and schedule, cost and scope
  • Apply useful techniques to identify, analyse, mitigate and monitor risks in the project life cycle
  • Learn how to create an effective risk monitoring plan and risk management strategies
  • Use a practical, six-step process to manage project risk
  • Develop a risk budget based on Expected Monetary Value (EMV)


FOR WHOM: All Internal Auditors in both the Public and Private Sectors.


The training methodology combines lectures, discussions, group exercises and illustrations. Participants will gain both theoretical and practical knowledge of the topics. The emphasis is on the practical application of the topics and as a result participant will go back to the workplace with both the ability and the confidence to apply the techniques learned to their duties.



  • Venue

    Alpha Partners Professional Training Conference Centre. 200, Muritala Mohammed Way (3rd Floor), Yaba Lagos.

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