Storytelling Power: Secrets for Exceptional Communication

Date Format Fees  
16 Apr - 19 Apr, 2024 Classroom ₦270,000 Register
20 Aug - 23 Aug, 2024 Classroom ₦270,000 Register
03 Dec - 06 Dec, 2024 Classroom ₦270,000 Register
16 Apr - 19 Apr, 2024 Classroom ₦270,000 Register
16 Apr - 19 Apr, 2024 Classroom ₦270,000 Register

Event Details

  • Use compelling stories to appeal to listeners’ emotions and drive your points home
  • Relay information in an experiential manner for greater impact and understanding
  • Make a more powerful impression in meetings and presentations
  • Win over, influence and gain the trust of clients, customers and colleagues
  • Engage listeners with stories that naturally lead them to reach the conclusions you want them to reach



Leadership Through Storytelling

  • Identify the New Methods of Leading Through Storytelling
  • Describe How to Lead Through Leadership Storytelling
  • Describe the Differences Between Impact and Influence


Designing a Strong Story

  • Apply the SPAR Model of Storytelling
  • Practice the Techniques for Storytelling


When and How to Use Storytelling

  • Identify When to Use Storytelling
  • Describe the Elements of How to Tell a Story


Story Origin Resources

  • Identify Where Stories Come From
  • Describe the Six Types of Stories


Storytelling Hints

  • Identify the Best Practice Hints for Being a Good Storyteller
  • Describe the Advantages of Storytelling in Leadership



Communicators, Team Leaders, Customer service representatives, HR managers, Managers and all staff who desire to improve their communications skills for better result.



The training methodology combines lectures, discussions, group exercises and illustrations. Participants will gain both theoretical and practical knowledge of the topics. The emphasis is on the practical application of the topics and as a result participant will go back to the workplace with both the ability and the confidence to apply the techniques learned to their duties.

  • Venue

    Alpha Partners Professional Training Conference Centre. 200, Muritala Mohammed Way (3rd Floor), Yaba Lagos.

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