Internal Auditing for Fraud

Date Format Fees  
30 Jan - 02 Feb, 2024 Classroom ₦270,000 Register
06 Aug - 09 Aug, 2024 Classroom ₦270,000 Register
30 Jan - 02 Feb, 2024 Classroom ₦270,000 Register

Event Details

Appropriate for auditors of all levels, this workshop focuses on monitoring activities, understanding the nature of fraud and how it manifests itself, internal audit’s role in detecting fraud and audit steps to detect fraudulent activities.




* Overview of Fraud

 - Define fraud and its core elements

 - Managing Fraud Risk

 - Types of fraud and fraud schemes


* Create a Profile of a Fraudster

 - Identify who commits fraud

 - Components of the fraud Triangle

 - Steps in Community fraud

 - Motivations of a fraudster

 - Deconstruct a fraud scheme


* Create a Proactive Internal Audit Approach

 - Fraud Risk Assessment Process

 - Integrate Fraud Audit Techniques

 - Internal Control

 - Audit Plan


* Fraud Auditing Techniques

 - Common Red flags, Symptoms and Relationships

 - Identify conditions that may indicate fraud

 - Interpret Test results

 - Create Monitoring Activities based Tests and Findings


* Respond to indications of Potential Fraud

 - Fraud Investigation

 - Regulatory Standards


* Audit Report Structure

 - Construct an Audit Report

 - Formats to write an Audit observation

 - Rephrase Technical Terminology

 - Write with Readability and Conciseness



Corporate Internal Auditors, IT Managers and other Managers/Officers who perform related functions in Public and Private Sectors.


The training methodology combines lectures, discussions, group exercises and illustrations. Participants will gain both theoretical and practical knowledge of the topics. The emphasis is on the practical application of the topics and as a result participant will go back to the workplace with both the ability and the confidence to apply the techniques learned to their duties.


  • Venue

    Alpha Partners Professional Training Conference Centre. 200, Muritala Mohammed Way (3rd Floor), Yaba Lagos.

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